Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rhythm's Beauty

I wouldn’t call myself a logical person, but I am hopelessly analytical. For all of the hundreds of curious ideas and controversial thoughts I’ve mulled over, in the end, it may be the rising and setting of the sun that allows me to persevere in this journey that Jesus Christ has called us to. On an apparent level, every kiss between Night and Day is like an intimate rhythm that my spirit moves to. It is a rhythm of familiarity and hope that affirms my deep suspicions that I am not of this tangible world and this physical body I function within is transient. On a relational level, the beauty of God’s nature has yet to antagonize me to anger, but so often I am entirely frustrated at the same wondrous but fleeting beauty I witness and experience in my fellow humans. I appreciate and accept the momentary gifts in His nature, but when it comes to people and relating, I struggle. Combined to an even greater extent, mistrusting fear and attempted control become a powerful force that urges me to be averse to embracing the beauty God reveals to me through mankind. I cannot deny how weary I become of all the coming and leaving of people in my life and heart. I find the uncertainty and frailty of all this world holds to be very taxing. A valuable ally told me recently that to prematurely end love before its natural passing is to cut yourself off from that human, and to cut yourself off from a human is but a short step from cutting yourself off from all of humanity . . .which is a dark place to be and is not easy to return from. So, whether being witness to a burning star or a genuine smile, am I not called to recognize and appreciate all of God’s beauty? In the presence of His beauty, am I not designed to give Him the glory? The absence of beauty’s passing presence should never overshadow the actual beauty, for as with everything true, genuine beauty is something more like an echo of eternity . . .an encouraging glimpse of every hoped promise fulfilled.